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Financial and ESG data

Daily Data

Discover our verified, controlled and homogeneous historical data on Stocks, Indices, Mutual Funds, Corporate Events and Spot Exchange Rates all over Europe, Asia, Middle-East, Oceania. Africa and Latin America.

HFT Data

Exclusive data on trades and orders with the highest frequency on LSE, CBOE Europe BXE, CBOE Europe CXE, CBOE Europe DXE, Deutsche Boerse Xetra, Euronext Paris, Turquoise and Eurex.


In partnership with Clarity AI, 105 ESG Raw Data metrics on more than 70 000 corporations worldwide are available.


eurofidai awards

Get rewarded for your hard work ! Each year, the best papers using EUROFIDAI Daily and High Frequency data are awarded with a prize of 1 500€ each.

Publications using our data

  • Mohammed Salek, Université Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec
  • Damien Challet, Université Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec
  • Ioane Muni Toke, Université Paris-Saclay, CentraleSupélec 

Quantitative Finance


Detecting the risk of cross-product manipulation in the EUREX fixed income futures market

  • Alexis Stenfors (University of Portsmouth)
  • Kaveesha Dilshani (University of Technology Sydney)
  • Andy Guo (University of Technology Sydney)
  • Peter Mere (Macquarie University)

Journal of Internationals FInancial Markets, Institutions and Money


paris december

EUROFIDAI-ESSEC Paris DEcember finance meeting

Every December, EUROFIDAI and ESSEC organize the EUROFIDAI-ESSEC Paris December Finance Meeting, gathering finance researchers from all over the world. Next edition on December 19, 2024. Call for papers and online submissions available on the conference website.


Clarity AI, ESG Raw Data on Corporations provider of EUROFIDAI, recognized as a Leader in the Forrester Wave
