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Code mapping table

LINK  the codes used in EUROFIDAI databases

The code mapping table is a database created by EUROFIDAI, linking the various codes used in the EUROFIDAI databases.

For example, the codes used in the corporate event database, instrument code (Valoren) or issuer code, can be linked to a EUROFIDAI code with the code correspondence table database.

This database also allows finding the corresponding code (EUROFIDAI, ISIN, SICOVAM or FININFO) with the name of the instrument or the issuer (code).

In the code mapping table database, you can filter the information research according to the instrument type.

Example of using the code mapping table

Find instruments EUROFIDAI, ISIN or SICOVAM code from your “Corporate events” database issuer code
In the “Corporate events” database, you can research the “dividend payment” for “AXA Banque” (its issuer code is 486783). In the code mapping table, with this issuer code, you can get the ISIN code, the SICOVAM code or the EUROFIDAI code of all the associated instruments.